
We offer Daycare Programs for children ranging from infant to school age and Preschool Programs for children ages 3-5 years old. We also offer Before and After School and School Break care to children ages 5-12 years old. All of our programs meet or exceed all local and state safety, security, and cleanliness practices guidelines.


At this age, children are meeting new challenges as fast as they come. Crawling, walking and eventually running are levels they accomplish in what seems like a blink of an eye. Children learn best if they are in a stimulating environment. Music, stories, outdoor play, and learning simplicities envelop much of the day. Our caregivers are dedicated in helping each child develop these skills through a trusting and loving relationship. A parental daily report is given to update each family on meal times, nap times, and all activities accomplished each day.

Imagination Daycare & Preschool, Inc. sets its pace around the needs and unique differences of each child. Our infant program has a primary caregivers who center their day on the needs of those whom they provide care. While meeting basic needs of food, diapering, and adequate rest, the teachers go far beyond that. Your caregivers are keen observers who plan and enhance the interaction and activities that your infant’s behavior is identifying.

Routines are the curriculum for your infant’s day. Every moment of a young child’s day offers opportunities for learning. Our caregiver catches these moments and helps each baby establish trust, and discover. In addition, your caregiver helps your child to tackle motor skills, realize the power of language, and begin to understand this new world from many angles. This task is accomplished as our caregiver keys into the verbal and nonverbal messages that your child is sending.



Imagination Daycare & Preschool, Inc.'s teachers understand that children learn more by doing than by being told. Toddlers discover their world on a physical level.

In planning for your toddler, our teachers are prepared to be flexible and spontaneous. Toddlers are active explorers, toddlers are eager to try new things and use materials in different ways. The teacher respects this and allows opportunities for the child to be responsible and make choices. Expectations for behaviors are developmentally appropriate and allow the child to be challenged yet to feel support from the teacher.
Our teachers, with patience, warmth and respect, redirect toddlers to help guide them toward controlling their impulse and behaviors. Constant testing and expression of opposition are viewed as the child’s development of a healthy sense of self.

Our teachers recognize that routine times are important moments to help children learn about themselves and others. Our staff views playtime as valuable, and facilitates this so that children stay interested and move from simple to more complex aspects of play. Our toddler classrooms include materials for children to engage in imaginative play, appropriate experiences for creative exploration, various manipulatives to develop cognitive and physical skills as well as building blocks, music, and books. Children are encouraged by their teacher to care for the belongings and the environment in ways they can handle. Our teachers creates and adapt the environment and activities to meet the children’s changing needs from day to day.


Preschool -Full Day & Half Day

At Imagination Daycare & Preschool,Inc. preschool is an essential stepping stone to kindergarten success. We ensure that children achieve significant development advancements, learn effective communication, and develop collaborative skills, by working independently and in teacher led small groups settings. They will begin to play with others, form friendships, pretend play, as well as become more independent.

Our Preschool includes:

  • Highly trained preschool teachers that are well educated with degrees in Early Childhood Education
  • Activities will include art, reading centers, discovery centers, blocks, dress up, cooking, outdoor play and much more.
  • Preschoolers will participate in small group activities to foster social, emotional, physical, and language development.
  • Curriculum that supports creative expression, literacy, music and more

Pre-Kindergarten- Full Day & Half Day

At this age, children are at the final stage of being prepared for entering school. Our goal is to prepare them to be successful in school. Pre-K children are now learning more independence, how to recognize and write letters, and simple math skills.

Our Program includes:

  • Highly trained preschool teachers that are well educated with degrees in Early Childhood Education
  • Curriculum that sets learning goals that are challenging but achievable with help.
  • Play time that is independent with guidance from their teachers.
  • Pretend play that is more creative with advanced details.
  • They are learning to express themselves
  • Researched based curriculum aligned to k-12 standards

School-Age Before and After School

We believe our school agers deserve much more than a place to go before & after school. In our program, we understand that school age children need to have fun too! In our program we offer a variety of enterataining experiences such as outdoor group play, arcade games, physical indoor games (air hockey, basketball, bowling, dancing)

Summer Camp

Learning and fun shouldn’t stop when school is out for the summer. At Imagination Daycare & Preschool, Inc. we work to ensure your child has an educational and fun summer through our summer program. We use games, field trips and fun activities to teach your child and to reinforce what they have already learned in school.

Pre-registration is required with limited spots for school age boys and girls ages 5-12. We provide a unique and exciting experience through various activities:

  • Arts and crafts
  • Indoor and outdoor games
  • Swimming
  • Scavenger hunt and hike
  • Sports
  • Indoor Sports arcade games
  • Field trips
  • Nature
  • Educational enhancement projects
  • Music
  • And much more!